Welcome to PGH Food Brews and Views, here you’ll find details about our personal experiences in a city that we both truly love. At this point, with thirty-nine years of combined time in this wonderful city, we hope to share an extensive and diverse understanding of Pittsburgh. We hope that PGH F.B.V can help fellow Pittsburghers realize just how much our city has to offer as well as act as a guide for newcomers and visitors alike.
We try our best to explore as many local businesses and restaurants as we can and learn the stories and specialties of the Pittsburgh professionals behind the scenes. Though we are always in search of great food, we also value so much the experience of meeting new people and seeing the dedication they have to their craft.
There are so many amazing places in this city that some of them go unrecognized. There is something for everyone here in the ‘Burgh, we hope we can point you in the right direction.